Things I Learned from My First Book Signing

I had my first book signing, ya’ll! Now, I’ve been to more than a few signings for my favorite authors but it’s different when you’re on the other side of the table.

I didn’t know what to expect.  Would anyone show up?

I was nervous. What do I say if they show up?

I was excited. Oh my God, I can’t believe this is happening!!

And it turned out great. It was a big crowd and I sold more books than I thought I would. Here’s what I learned from the experience:

  1. Invest in a tablecloth. At the last minute I thought about the table covering and bought one from Dollar General. It got the job done but next time I want a more professional look.
  2. Pre-sign books.  It will save time.
  3. Take more pictures. I tried to do this myself and missed some good shots because I was talking with people. I might have to recruit a family member as my photographer.
  4. Pass out cards and bookmarks to everyone that walks by. They may not be a book reader but I bet they know one.
  5. Do a better job getting the notice out. Don’t rely solely on social media.
  6. Invest in bags. It’s another good way to advertise.
  7. Have fun!

The last one is the most important. I definitely had fun and meet some wonderful people.