Like most Americans, my family has the cost saving bundle package combining our phone, cable and internet. Most days it hums along in the background allowing you to take for granted the ability to hop online. Then it happens. The dreaded cable outage. If the cable goes out, everything goes out. Curses to the bundle!
Yesterday I had the day off so I had everything planned. Hubby was off to work and the kids were off to school. My day was structured to prepare a few blog posts and work on two stories in progress. But those plans were stopped. No internet access. How could I work without the ability to look up pictures for the blog and research random facts? How could I be distracted by reading emails and searching web pages for the latest celebrity gossip? How would I function without the useful tool of procrastination to both inspire and hinder my writing progress? How could I live a life unplugged?
After some initial anxiety, I settled down. It was just me, my notebook and a pen curled up on the couch. I was free to just let the words flow. Gone was the temptation to check on the proper spelling or immediately verify the name of a local park in Atlanta. I had only my imagination and it was liberating. I got a lot of work done. Maybe I should unplug more often. (Deep cleansing breath.)

Now I really need my internet access back. It’s my turn in Words with Friends.