The National Bestselling authors of Naleighna Kai’s Tribe Called Success have come together to give authors a free one-hour platform to learn from their experiences and process in writing as well as answer questions for beginners and seasoned authors alike. Each session starts at 7:30 p.m. CST, Thirty-minute instruction, thirty-minute Q&A.
London St. Charles, Friday, May 29
J. D. Mason, Saturday, May 30
Marze Scott, Monday June 1
Naleighna Kai and J. L. Woodson, Wednesday Jun 3
Shakir Rashaan, Saturday, June 6
The FB Room in Naleighna Kai’s Literary Cafe only holds a limited amount of people. A link will be sent to all attendees. Please arrive on time. A course packet will be sent to all attendees.
Register online at: https://bit.ly/thewritestuff2 or