Today is the day for all lovers of books. To honor this special event, let’s post our favorite book quotes.
I’ll go first. I have two favorites. The first is from the woman that inspired me to put words on paper, Maya Angelou. From “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings”:
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
― Maya Angelou

And from my new favorite. I love the way she paints a picture with words. Leesa Cross-Smith’s “Whiskey & Ribbons”:
“I can hear it coming. Healing. The train tracks leading to my heart are warmed by it. I can put my hand there and feel it hot. It is rattling towards me. Rumbling. The buzzing sound of a flickering light at the end of the tunnel. A grief train rumbling away from us. A healing train coming our way… Everything. In rhythm. All of it – glowing and glowing – light spilling and pouring and rushing through the cracks of the bits glued back together. This shattered life. This broken bright.”
― Leesa Cross-Smith

Now it’s your turn. In the comments below, share your favorite book(s) and add a quote.
Happy Reading.
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