“Let me tell you how God works. Fifteen years, y’all. Fifteen years I have embraced a vision, toiled with it, failed with it, succeeded with it, grown with it, and finally—loved everything about it. This year, with the help of a dymanic team of authors, we have taken things to a whole new level. The Cavalcade of Authors is going national in 2020, will host three to five events to start, and have partnered with major events and sponsors to broaden, not only the reach of the Cavalcade of Authors, but to make it a uniquely exciting event to readers, and even more profitable for authors. The Cavalcade Chicago and Cavalcade Atlantis Resorts was the catalyst for realizing that there are places where people are clamoring for authors to visit.
My mentor has been Pam Nelson, the woman who put together one of the most successful Black literary events to date—The WalMart Soul Expressions tour. She, along with several private sponsors, have given me the encouragement to embrace a two-level event process—intimate for those who love that one-on-one with the authors, and major signings for crowds of 15,000+ and one at 45,000+ each event night. Readers will have more than one reason to come to the Cavalcade. Yes, they’ll meet new authors and greet old literary ones, but then they’ll rock it out at concerts, art festivals, celebrity seminars with those same authors, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Next year, we’ll be doing Chicago in April, Cincinnati in July, North Carolina in early August, the Atlantis Resorts in Paradise Island, Bahamas for our October experience. That’s just for starters. Tribe Inner Circle/NK Tribe Called Success members are taking a leading role in hosting events held in their regions. This isn’t a “ME” thing, this is an “US” thing. Over the years, I have fostered relationships with authors and readers who now have a vested interest in the Cavalcade’s success. This year alone, I’m treating several sponsors to VIP tickets to a major concert event—just as a thank you for having faith in me, and to give back to those who give of their time and finances without expecting anything in return.
Today, I also took another major step regarding the business–a legal one, but that’s another post for a different time. I believe in treating visions and aspirations like pregnancy—you don’t start telling until you start showing I’ll be nine months fairly soon. 🙂 What I’m sharing today, is set in stone and I am so grateful for the support of a good team, avid readers who are a loyal fan base, and those who have spread the word to others. Don’t just sit around and watch us work, make sure to join in on the fun.–NALEIGHNA KAI, founders of The Cavalcade of Authors.
Visit the website at www.thecavalcadeofauthors.com, email lissawoodson@aol.com or inbox Naleighna Kai to be added to the mailing list.
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