Happy MLK Day! Let’s try to make a difference.
Is it Just a Dream?
Across the country today, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day. Everyone knows the legacy of the man and his famous “I Have A Dream” speech. I wonder will the dream ever be realized? Sure, we have an African-American President (elected twice). Yet those elections exposed a hidden attitude of mistrust and disrespect that went beyond politics. Minorities hold positions of power in various occupations that MLK may not have imagined. Still the news is filled with stories of how people mistreat and kill each other based on misconceptions of someone different from them.
I believe that people should be treated with respect no matter their color, religion or sexual orientation. We don’t have to agree on everything to get along. I believe like Dr. King that people should be judged on the content of their character. I hope we get there someday.
Hell, maybe I’m the one that’s dreaming.
MLK Day – 2012
In the Unwritten household on MLK’s birthday, Dad made us girls listen to the “I Have A Dream” speech. Back then I didn’t understand the enormous impact that speech had on our nation in 1963. I simply thought it was a nice sermon. A very long sermon.
Now when I reflect on the legacy of Martin Luther King, one thing stands out. One person can make a difference. This man bore the burden of leading a movement that changed the world. Today I rededicate myself to trying to live up to this ideal: “To judge someone not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”.
What are your plans for the MLK holiday?