My daughter, Princess (not her real name), went to the prom list night. These are the thoughts t hat ran through my mind as I waited up.
- My daughter is growing into a beautiful young lady
- I hope she has a good time
- I hope she is safe
- Did I set her curfew too early or too late?
- How in the world am I going to stay awake that long?
- Who am I kidding? Sleep won’t happen until I hear the garage open.
- Say a prayer that she makes it back home safe. Add a prayer for everyone else’s kid as well.
- Realize that late night television programming is the worst
- I should have rented a movie from Redbox
- What am I going to cook for dinner tomorrow?
- Did I cover everything in the “Don’t Drink or Do Drugs” speech?
- What if there is an accident?
- I don’t need to think about any accidents.
I finally had to call my sister on the West Coast to take my mind off all the things that could happen. I am an admitted “worrier” but my imagination takes me places I don’t need to go.
In the end, Princess made it back on safely and on time. No need to worry. Until next year.
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