I share these are my thoughts and feelings.
Panther in the Hive
I just finished Panther in the Hive by Cole, Olivia on Kindle for Android! http://www.amazon.com/kindleforandroid/
Love this book.!
Quote for the Day
Inspirational Quote Of The Day
A Must See Movie – Repentance
Hubby just hipped me to this trailer. I have got to see this movie. When Forest Whitaker does that psycho laugh at the end I bust out laughing every time. Smile!
What’s in a Name?

My WIP (work in progress) is a novel based on a love triangle. Originally, the two male characters both have names that begin with the letter C. Charles and Christopher.
Would it be too confusing for readers? Should I change one of their names? Decisions, decisions.
What do you think? Please share you opinion.
Inspirational Quote Of The Day
Quote of the Day 2014
I have to keep reminding myself of this!
25 Things A Great Character Needs « terribleminds: chuck wendig
Found this wonderful list browsing the internet. This has some good information and I will make sure to incorporate them in my own writing.
25 Things A Great Character Needs « terribleminds: chuck wendig.