Wednesday Writing Advice

Write what you know, they say.
But what if the story you’re telling takes place in an era, place or even a different gender than your own. What do you do?
You research it!
Researching the background for a story is one of my favorite parts of writing. In order to tell a complete story, you will need to know enough detail to make the scene come alive for the reader.
For example, my current manuscript is based in Los Angeles. I’ve been to LA several times (my sister lives there) but my character to lives in a certain area of LA. That’s where good ol’ Google comes in. I was able to find a home on Zillow that fit my character. From there, I download the home lay out to be consistent with the family’s movement and room descriptions.
Google Earth is another useful tool to explore an area. I’ve used it to virtually walk down the street in an area. I’ve done this with restaurants too.
But it’s important to not get bogged down in the research. You only need a few intimate details to make a scene come alive on the page.
Happy Researching!
Today’s writing tip is something I’ve had to relearn myself. Showing up and putting words on paper can only happen if YOU make the time to do it.
You have to find what schedule works for you. Some people are early morning writers others are late night. Some people respond to a set schedule and others are more free wheeling.
As for me, I have to write the time down on my calendar. Seeing an appointment there along with other meetings and doctor’s appointments makes it more concrete.
Bottom line: If you are a writer then you must write. Find what works for you and get busy creating.
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash
Available today in paperback is “Confessions: Secrets & Lies Revealed“. The ebook will be available on July 7th. You can get your copy here.
What’s it about?
Secrets have a way of festering inside of us. Sometimes we release them, sometimes they find their way out. Most of the time, they come with a whole set of problems.
In this tantalizing compilation of stories, fifteen talented writers explore what happens when secrets and lies are revealed.
What’s my story about?
My contribution is entitled, Lie to Me. Andre Harris has found the path to a successful relationship. He doesn’t need to know the truth. When evidence is presented that he can no longer ignore, will he accept more lies or face the truth?
Why you should read it?
This anthology has something for everyone. And who doesn’t love a juicy secret? Take a journey into the lives of these characters and find out what happens when secrets and lies are revealed.
Available everywhere books are sold!!
In order to craft a story, you need to learn the structure of storytelling. Here are some resources that I recommend:
These books are the ones I turn to when I need a refresher on any matter when crafting my stories.
Most of us know the basic of telling a story. You need an opening hook, a middle and then the climax. The trick is how to mold the story to engage the reader. It pays to read craft books to get a greater understanding.
Another very important thing to do is read books in the genre you want to write in. Read, read, read. And then write your story.
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash
The great Toni Morrison once said, “If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.”
Write your story. Worry about selling/marketing it later.
#writinglife #stories #writer #mdrayfordwrites
The National Bestselling authors of Naleighna Kai’s Tribe Called Success have come together to give authors a free one-hour platform to learn from their experiences and process in writing as well as answer questions for beginners and seasoned authors alike. Each session starts at 7:30 p.m. CST, Thirty-minute instruction, thirty-minute Q&A.
London St. Charles, Friday, May 29
J. D. Mason, Saturday, May 30
Marze Scott, Monday June 1
Naleighna Kai and J. L. Woodson, Wednesday Jun 3
Shakir Rashaan, Saturday, June 6
The FB Room in Naleighna Kai’s Literary Cafe only holds a limited amount of people. A link will be sent to all attendees. Please arrive on time. A course packet will be sent to all attendees.
Register online at: https://bit.ly/thewritestuff2 or
AUTHOR BRANDING. We’re doing a FREE PODCAST to discuss the most useful techniques, tips, and elements that help authors with building their brand. Hosted by J. L. Woodson, NAACP Image Award Nominee and CEO of Woodson Creative Studio and Naleighna Kai, USA TODAY Bestselling author and founder of NK’s Tribe Called Success. Wednesday, May 20 at 7:30 p.m. CST. Be sure to sign up at: https://bit.ly/creativejuicespodcast. Also, if you missed the podcast on Book Covers and Banter, it’s still there.
Also, pick up our book on writing, publishing, marketing, and resources: https://bit.ly/writingandpublishing
Also enter the $25.00 Amazon Giveaway.
FREE AUTHOR’S BOOK COVER WORKSHOP THIS FRIDAY. We’re discussing book covers and their relation to storytelling hosted by J. L. Woodson, the Design Futures Chair, American Institute of Graphic Arts Houston and CEO of Woodson Creative Studio, and USA TODAY Bestselling Author Naleighna Kai. Their special guests National Bestselling authors: J. D. Mason, Michelle D. Rayford, Terri Ann Johnson, and award-winning author Michele Sims. Learn the best approaches and output for your covers and even pose questions that will make your experience better.
Friday, May 7, @7:30 p.m. CST in the Creative Juices Podcast Page on FB
Meet and greet the following authors in the LITERARY CAFE, and Booths 120, 124, 126, 128
Naleighna Kai, J. L. Woodson, Brian W. Smith,
J. L. Campbell, Karen D. Bradley, Janice M. Allen, Lisa Watson, Sierra Kay, Terri Ann Johnson, Michelle D. Rayford, MarZe Scott, London St. Charles, Betty Clawson, Ehryck F. Gilmore, Ann Clay, Janine Ingram, Sesvalah, S. F. Hardy, Michele Sims, Dr. Tanesha House, and others.
Special cafe pricing on Autographed books!!! Some will be 2 for $20.
Genres: Contemporary fiction, romance, Christian Fiction, suspense, mystery, erotica, thrillers, self-help, memoirs, and Children’s books
Free book with purchase. Stop by and say hi and pick up the free downloads from Tribe, LaVerne Thompson, and Naleighna Kai.
Special Performance by SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE (as seen at Chicago’s Second City), sponsored by Sierra Kay.
Three authors will read from their books at the top of every hour.
Giveaways and raffles every hour, sponsored by the authors, Dudley Beauty College, Book Lover’s Con, Genesis Print and Copy Services
WE ARE HOSTING A READER APPRECIATION EVENT on Saturday, April 4, 2020 at 8:00 pm at the Hilton McCormick – 123 E. Cermak in the Auburn & Cord Ballrooms. Sponsored by Dudley Beauty College and Plano Eye Center (free eye screenings on site)
Cafe Members, Ambassadors, and fans are able to attend as our honored guests. Please email an RSVP with the name and email of your guests (4 max per person) to Naleighnakai@gmail.com.
FREE writing and publishing workshop at the Black Women’s Expo on Saturday, April 4 from 11:00 to 12:30 pm and marketing and promotion workshop on Sunday, April 5, from 12 to 1:30 pm