To all the Mother’s (and Mother’s to be), I hope you have the day you deserve doing the things you desire.
To all the Mother’s (and Mother’s to be), I hope you have the day you deserve doing the things you desire.
Today is our day, book nerds! What are you reading today?
Today is the day for all lovers of books. To honor this special event, let’s post our favorite book quotes.
I’ll go first. I have two favorites. The first is from the woman that inspired me to put words on paper, Maya Angelou. From “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings”:
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
And from my new favorite. I love the way she paints a picture with words. Leesa Cross-Smith’s “Whiskey & Ribbons”:
“I can hear it coming. Healing. The train tracks leading to my heart are warmed by it. I can put my hand there and feel it hot. It is rattling towards me. Rumbling. The buzzing sound of a flickering light at the end of the tunnel. A grief train rumbling away from us. A healing train coming our way… Everything. In rhythm. All of it – glowing and glowing – light spilling and pouring and rushing through the cracks of the bits glued back together. This shattered life. This broken bright.”
Now it’s your turn. In the comments below, share your favorite book(s) and add a quote.
Happy Reading.
I’m looking forward to celebrating a major milestone this year. Stay tuned for special gifts that I plan to share with you.
It’s another obscure holiday. Time to give a shout out to all the husband’s holding it down. This is my hubby enjoying a family cruise.
So, to all the men taking care of family and business, this day is for you!
In honor of Eight Track /Cassette Tape Day, I’m going to list the albums of my childhood. I’m at the age where I can remember eight-track tapes, but too young to own any. So, this will be a reflection of those cassettes or vinyl albums I owned and enjoyed.
Before the days of digital downloads, can you name an album you owned on vinyl or cassette?
Every woman needs a sister and I’m lucky enough to have two. So, on this National Sibling Day, I want to give a shout out to my two siblings. You guys made growing up fun and make adulting tolerable.