In Growing up Joplin, Kadesha Powell vividly brings to life her obstacles and triumphs while being raised in a predominantly white, Midwestern town. The constant struggle with racism and deep-rooted micro-aggression in the educational system, workforce, and her personal life, chipped away at her self-image.
For far too long, she allowed others to shape her identity and limit available opportunities. A range of cultural experiences allowed her to see the beauty of the world around her and within herself.
Growing up Joplin is the emotional journey of a feisty, energetic, and talented Black woman, who has bloomed into something much more than she ever dared to dream possible.
Amazon: https://bit.ly/GrowingUpJoplinAMZ
B &N: https://bit.ly/GrowingupjoplinBN
Kobo: https://bit.ly/GrowingupJoplinKBO
Apple: https://bit.ly/growingupjoplinAPP
Cover designed by: J. L. Woodson for Woodson Creative Studio