During the drive home yesterday, a song came across my Spotify that took me all the way back to Heyward Gibbes Middle School. The year was 1982. My biggest worries were homework, getting out of dressing out for gym class and the school dance.
The school dance was a major source of stress. Would the boy I like ask me to dance? What would my friends and I wear? Would my mother even allow me to go?
Can’t really recall the details of the dance but I remember this song. Cutie Pie by One Way. Listening to this song transported me back to that dusty gym with the raggedy basketball nets. And the secret area behind the gym where you went to kiss the boy you were crushing on for weeks.
Do you have any songs that take you back? Let me know in the comments.
Back in the day, I used to make up stories based on some of my favorite songs. I think I’ll start it up again.
Here’s an oldie to get things started. “Same Script, Different Cast” by Whitney Houston featuring Deborah Cox.
Unfortunately, there isn’t an official video but I found one that was put together on YouTube.
My story:
Monica Taylor sat in the dimly lit bar of the Atlanta restaurant and waited for her guest. Outwardly, she was the picture of a calm and confident woman. Every hair on her short sassy haircut was in place. Her makeup was flawless and highlighted her mocha complexion. She had spent hours picking out the perfect dress; a simple black wrap that hugged her ample curves which she accessorized with silver jewelry and strappy black high heel sandals. Inwardly, her stomach churned and she wondered if she would have the nerve to carry out her mission for the night.
She checked the time on her watch and glanced around the room. If she had any doubts about her appearance, the appreciative looks from the male patrons caused her to sit up straighter and smile. When the offer of a drink came, she politely
declined. She had already purchased a glass of wine and could not afford to get distracted entertaining some man who thought the price of a drink earned him something in return. She no longer had the patience to deal with men. Especially when the one man that she loved took her for granted.
Monica shifted on the stool and took a sip of her drink. She had chosen the perfect perch so she saw the moment her guest entered the foyer. She looked exactly like her picture. Long flowing locks, skin the color of coffee with cream and the height of a model. Well, she didn’t look exactly like the picture Monica saw. The woman had on clothes tonight.
“LaKeisha Johnson.” Monica was by her side in an instance.
“Yes? And you are?”
Monica said her name and waited for the light of recognition to cross the woman’s face. When it came, LaKeisha clutched her purse and took a step back. “Where is Michael?”
“Michael isn’t coming. I thought we needed to talk. Our table is ready.” Monica turned to the maître‘d and indicated that they were ready to be seated.
LaKeisha hesitated. “What is this about?”
“Please,” Monica said. “I will explain everything.”
They followed the hostess to the reserved table. It was a secluded place setting for two located in an alcove that would afford them some privacy from the other diners. The irony of this place wasn’t lost on Monica. Michael had brought her here the night he asked her to move in with him. She thought it would lead to marriage.
It seemed right that it should end here as well.
The waitress appeared as soon as they were seated. Monica requested another drink to replace the one she had abandoned at the bar. LaKeisha declined.
“Are you sure you don’t want a drink?” Monica asked.
“All I want is to know is what is going on here?” LaKeisha sat on the edge of her seat.
Monica shrugged. “Suit yourself then.”
She dismissed the waitress and turned to focus on the woman across the table from her. She studied LaKeisha’s features looking for some flaw but found none. The woman was pretty in that girl next door kind of way. From the research that Monica did on her, she knew that LaKeisha was an accountant with one of the biggest firms in town. She was in her early thirties and didn’t have any children. Michael had a type and she definitely fit the mold. Just like Monica.
The waitress returned with Monica’s drink and she was grateful for something to do with her hands. Now that her replacement was sitting across from her, Monica didn’t know what to say. Her carefully planned speech had abandoned her. Then she realized that LaKeisha was studying her in the same way. She wondered how much the woman knew about her.
LaKeisha broke the silence. “Are you sure that Michael isn’t coming?”
“He isn’t coming.”
“But I got a text from him a couple of hours ago.” LaKeisha dug out her phone. “He said to meet him at 8 ‘o clock.”
Monica knew what the text said. She had composed it herself.
Catching an earlier flight. Boarding plane now. Can’t wait to see you. Meet me at Houston’s at 8. Wear that thing I like. M
Of course her ruse depended on three things. One, that LaKeisha would believe the text was from Michael. Monica knew the last line would sell it. Michael mainly communicated via text messages and that last line was one of his signature sayings. Two, LaKeisha had to believe that Michael couldn’t respond to a reply because he was on the plane. And lastly, Monica had to hope that even if LaKeisha sent a response that it would be generic enough that Michael wouldn’t actually respond for real and unknowingly spoil her plans.
“Michael is still in New York.” Monica stated with certainty. The GPS tracker she had installed on his phone confirmed his location in the 212 area code.
“What are you talking about? This text came from his number. Why would he send me a text saying he was coming back early from the conference.”
“That’s because Michael didn’t send that text. I did.” Monica took a cell phone out of her purse and laid it on the table between them.
“Did you steal his cell phone?”
“I didn’t have too. I cloned it.”
LaKeisha sat back in the chair and her eyebrows furrowed. “Cloned it? How? “
The how wasn’t important. Working as a computer programmer, Monica had picked up some tricks over the years. But Monica was ashamed to admit that she let a man drive her to a crazy place. She had been living in Crazyville for the past few months. She couldn’t pinpoint the exact date that she knew she was losing Michael. It was a gradual sense of knowing that someone you love is shifting away.
Michael became distance and moody. The man she fell in love with was replaced by a stranger that began to treat her like an afterthought. He began to have a lot of reasons to leave the house. The man who loved to have sex most nights was suddenly content to get into bed and turn his back.
Of course Michael wouldn’t talk about what was going on so Monica became a spy. She snooped and electronically stalked the man until she had the answers to the questions that Michael wouldn’t answer. But she didn’t like what it turned her into.
When Michael mentioned that he would be attending the medical conference in New York (the conference she joined him at last year) she knew it was time for a hange.
She moved her things out of their condo and closed their joint account. She was all set to begin her life without him but there was one more thing she had to do.
“I know he’s leaving me for you.”
LaKeisha’s mouth fell open in surprise. Monica coolly sipped her drink and waited for the woman to deny it.
“How do you know that? I mean, who told you?”
“So, it’s true.” It was more of a statement than a question.
“Yes.” LaKeisha tossed her hair over her shoulder. “He plans to tell you soon.”
“I was wondering what he’s telling you. Could it be the same things that he told me?”
LaKeisha did the hair toss again and sat up straighter. If the woman sitting across from her thought she would be intimated then she was mistaken. “He told me that he loved me.”
“I’ve heard that.”
“He told me I was ………”
Monica held up a hand. “Let me guess. He told you that you were beautiful. That he never met a woman like you. That he feels trapped in his current relationship and is waiting for the right time to break the news. He told you that he wanted to be
totally honest with you. He said he wanted you to share his life.”
“How could you know all that? Did you tap his phone too?”
Monica ignored the slight. “I’ve been there. He told me those things too. I was once where you are now. I was the new woman in Michael’s life.”
“Well, if you couldn’t keep him then that’s your fault.”
Monica shook her head. Denial is always the first step toward healing. The truth was that Dr. Michael Anderson was the type of man that women considered a good catch. He was a pediatric surgeon with a charming manner that put children and adults at ease.
And the man looked good. When he smiled at you with those hazel eyes you were hypnotized. Michael was six feet tall with an athletic frame that wore clothes well. He was meticulously groomed from his low cut Caesar haircut and light beard to the manicured nails on his hands.
Those hands.
Monica would miss those “healing hands” along with his sculpted abs. She took another sip of her drink at the thought of those passion filled nights.
“Do you really believe that I couldn’t keep him? You and I aren’t so different. I’m not hating on you, girlfriend but I wish the one before me would have warned me too.”
LaKeisha’s brows furrowed. “The one before you? What are you talking about?”
“Do you know I’ve been with Michael for two years and he has already changed cars four times? The man has a restless spirit and commitment issues. Surely you’ve picked up on that.”
LaKeisha had but she wouldn’t admit that to this woman. “What you’re saying may be true? But how can I take advice from you?”
Monica nodded. She understood the position that LaKeisha was in. Being loved by Michael could blind you to the truth.
The waitress returned to the table. “Are you ladies ready to order?”
“Yes.” Monica was suddenly famished. “I’ll have the thai steak and noodle salad.”
“Nothing for me.” LaKeisha said. She waited for the waitress to leave before she continued. “You know what? Michael has changed now. I’ll prove you wrong. He loves me.”
“He’ll hurt you.”
“Just leave us alone.”
Monica waved her hand. “He’s all yours. Just remember you’ve been warned. Enjoy it now but it won’t last.”
LaKeisha stood. “I’m out of here.”
“Be sure to tell Michael that I’ve moved out.” Monica watched LaKeisha walk away. She was probably calling Michael right now.
Monica leaned back in her chair. It was done. She was finished with that part of her life and she felt free. She picked up her glass and toasted the empty seat across from her. “Same script, different cast.”
I believe everyone should have a theme song. I’ve used “Every Woman”, Whitney Houston version to hype myself up. That’s no longer my state of mind. I can’t be ‘everything to everybody’ anymore. (Shout out to my therapist.)
Now, this is my new statement song. “I Like That” by Janelle Monae. Enjoy below and add your theme song in the comments.
This past weekend Lifetime premiered their Aaliyah movie to the pleasure of almost no one. I tried to watch it twice but couldn’t make it through either time. Alot of articles have been written roasting the movie so I won’t go into that. (My favorite article was a Grantland blog post by Shea Serrano. Click here to check it out.)
My main issue with the movie was the lack of music. I was an Aaliyah fan from the moment I heard her debut album “Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number”. I was 10 years older than Aaliyah but I admired the woman’s style. She had an allure of confidence and mystery about her that drew you in. The talent was undeniable and she had unlimited potential. When she died, I cried like I had lost a sister.
Fortunately, the music lives on. Here are my favorite Aaliyah’s songs. Enjoy!
(This is a new series of post where I share the music that I grew up listening to.)
Every generation thinks the music of their youth is better than the what’s being played today. In my case, it is actually true. Let me present, MC Hammer.
Yeah, I had the shoes. I had the baggy pants, white shirt with the black vest. I’m not ashamed to admit it. The “You Can’t Touch This” video, I had all the steps down cold. You couldn’t tell me I didn’t.
I miss the time when rap was fun and actually good.
(This is a new series of post where I share the music that I grew up listening to.)
Every generation thinks the music of their youth is better than the what’s being played today. In my case, it is actually true. Let me present, Michael Jackson vs. Prince.
The 80’s gave us two of the greatest musical artist ever in their prime. Michael Jackson and Prince both released their classic albums in 1982 and 1984, respectively. Sure, they have both gone on to have several other hits but Michael’s “Thriller” and Prince’s “Purple Rain” set records and established both as music royalty.
Remember when there was a debate over who was better? I liked them both equally. Until I say the movie “Purple Rain”. When my teenage self heard Prince Rogers Nelson speak his first line I was down with Team Prince. I didn’t care if he wore heels and lace. The man was and is still sexy.
Favorite Prince song: Too many to name but at the top of the list would be “Adore”.
Favorite Michael song: Again, too many to name but at the top would be “Man in the Mirror.”
What’s your favorite Prince or Michael Jackson song?
(This is a new series of post where I share the music that I grew up listening to.)
Every generation thinks the music of their youth is better than the what’s being played today. In my case, it is actually true. Let me present, R & B Groups.
I recently attended the New Edition concert in my hometown. The guys came out dressed fresh to impress and took us back on a musical journey to our youth. The concert was awesome and I stood the entire time singing along to the oldies.
After the show I couldn’t help but wonder, what happened to music groups? There just doesn’t seem to be any new groups out there nowadays. So, here are a few of my favorites from back in the day.
(This is a new series of post where I share the music that I grew up listening to.)
Every generation thinks the music of their youth is better than the what’s being played today. In my case, it is actually true. Let me present, Pebbles.
Perri “Pebbles” Reid may be best known for discovering the female group, TLC, but she was a hit making artist of her own. These are the songs that had me jamming back in the day.
“Mercedes Boy”
“Love Makes Things Happen”
And one of the best love songs – “Always” Sorry I couldn’t find a video so this will have to do.