There are certain things that can be expected this time of year. Football, turkey dinners, family get-togethers, Black Friday sales followed by Cyber Monday sales. And a bombardment of “thankful” lists.
These lists are from various people bragging about how great their lives are and we should all applaud them for recognizing it. I have resisted the urge to add to this phenomenon but I couldn’t think of anything else to blog about so here goes.
Things I am “thankful” for (in no particular order):
My family (Okay, if you don’t put that first people will talk about you.)
To be gainfully employed (I need money to pay bills, buy scratch-off lotto tickets so I can stop working, buy food and books. Lots of books. So many books.)
Google (What did we do before it was so easy to look up random facts like “How much money does an NFL practice squad player make?” Seriously, as a writer I love Google. It saves time on research. I mean, what did people do before when they wanted to know something? Actually talk to people? The horror.)
Friends that get me and love me unconditionally. (Thank you for the material. Oh, you didn’t realize that I’ve based a character in my book from your adventures? Pay no attention to this list.)
Therapy. I found an excellent therapist this year. What? You think I don’t have to work on being this normal.
That my Lakers are finally a good team again. I was still rooting for them but it was hard to watch.
Music – I love music. The ’80s and ’90s were the golden eras. Fight me!
How to Get Away With Murder. I can’t wait for the final six episodes! Although making us wait until April is cruel. And unnecessary.
And the big one, health. (You can’t put a price on good health.)
These things can go on and on but I’ll stop there.
This Thanksgiving season, what are you thankful for?