Here is where the magic happens:
I have my story board with characters and brief index cards so I keep the players straight.
I’m excited about the new additions. Can you see them?

Wakanda Forever 🙅🏾♀️ and Deadpool2
I was going through things at my Mom’s house and found this. It made me smile. My very first published book, The Hard Times of Stephanie Ross.
I can clearly see a 5th grade me working with my teacher, Mrs. Bass. I remember writing the story. I can smell the cardboard and glue I used to craft the book. I can feel the pride of my parents and teacher when I was recognized by the school district. I got a ribbon and a certificate that day. There was a picture but I couldn’t find that.
This was the moment I learned I could create stories. It’s amazing I can remember my teacher’s name after all this time.
I had several other teachers and professors along the way who encouraged me and recognized that creative spark inside of me. Teachers have a thankless and necessary job molding young minds. The good ones are rarely honored but I hope they know they are appreciated.
Crew, do you remember any teachers in your past that helped shape your future? Shout them out in the comments below.
I had my first author interview with Kimberly Kaye at WFKX 96 KIK FM radio in Jacksonville, Tennessee. I am the “Author of the Week.”
Me? Me.
It was all a dream and I am thankful for being able to live it today. Kimberly is an excellent interviewer and puts you at ease immediately. We’re best friends now!
I’m grateful for the opportunity. Have a listen to the interview below:
Now it’s back to working on this next book. I have a series to create.
Sidenote: Did I mention the ebook for “Moment of Truth” is available for FREE on Amazon right now?
A Handy Flowchart created by Chuck Wendig that sums it up.
Recent addition of story soundtrack. This is where I take a song and write a story about what’s really going on.
Song: “Lie to Me” by Ne-Yo
I pretend I don’t hear Anthony and concentrate on chewing my smothered pork chops. I look forward to my monthly lunches with my brother and Mabel’s Soul Food Shack does not disappoint. The place is a shack, old and outdated with hard plastic seats, rickety tables with mismatched chairs and any cracks repaired with duct tape. But the eleven tables are packed as usual.
I wipe sweat from my brow and loosen my tie. The lone ceiling fan is losing the battle between the heat from the kitchen and the bodies packed into a small space. I slice another piece of pork chop and savor the tender meat. Then I attack the macaroni and cheese. Mabel’s macaroni is a blend of three cheeses swimming in butter. I scoop up a forkful and chance a glance at my brother.
“You know, Robin is cheating on you, right?” he repeats. Tony continues adding sugar to his sweet tea as if he wasn’t ruining my life.
I put the fork down. The butter beans will have to wait. “What are you talking about?”
Tony finishes stirring his drink. “You know, bro .” He gulps half of the tea before he comes up for air.
“Tell me what I know.” Continue reading “Story Soundtrack – Lie to Me”
My WIP (work in progress) is a novel based on a love triangle. Originally, the two male characters both have names that begin with the letter C. Charles and Christopher.
Would it be too confusing for readers? Should I change one of their names? Decisions, decisions.
What do you think? Please share you opinion.
Found this wonderful list browsing the internet. This has some good information and I will make sure to incorporate them in my own writing.
25 Things A Great Character Needs « terribleminds: chuck wendig.
Sad news. One of my favorite authors, Erica Kennedy, has passed. If you haven’t read any of her books (Bling and Feminista), you should.