In less than twenty-four hours—before Alexia Leighton is scheduled to return to Miami from spring break in Jamaica—a group of friends betray her in a grisly assault that stops a heartbeat away from murder.
Alexia’s mother, a cybersecurity expert, will stop at nothing to secure justice for her daughter. The perpetrators soon find themselves with no place to run and no place to hide from this mother’s vengeance.
Flames of Wrath will be published by Black Odyssey Media and distributed by Kensington Publishing.
My Review: Whoa! This book grabs you by the heart in the first chapter and leads you down a journey of revenge. And you will happily follow along as you root for Alexia and her mother to get a measure of justice. As you watch Geneva advocate and fight for her daughter, you imagine yourself doing the same. When she uses her computer skills to gather evidence against the perpetrators, you nod along. But you soon learn that Geneva will stop at nothing and everyone will feel the heat from her wrath.
This book is an excellent introduction into the thriller verse for author J. L. Campbell. I eagerly await the next installment.
November 28, 2023. Get it now so you’re ready to go on an adventure of revenge!
Pre-Order links: Amazon – http://microlinks.io/FlamesofWrath
Apple – http://microlinks.io/FlamesofWrathAP
Barnes & Noble – http://microlinks.io/FlamesofWrathBN