>What’s Playing on the iPod right now: “Because of You” – Kelly Clarkson
A sister has been feeling poorly. Been feeling mighty bad. It started with a stratchy throat and then mutated into body aches, chills, and a cough. It ain’t pretty! Diagnosis: the Flu!
So, I’m popping drugs and getting a lot of rest. But the whole time that I am laying here (watching the Today show and Will & Grace) I can’t help but feel like I should be doing something. Maybe the flu is a way for my body to get some needed rest. And I must mention that I took a freaking flu shot to avoid all this nastiness.
I did have a thought: Superwoman: Fact or Myth? Most women I know carry the bulk of duties within their families. We work a full-time job, pick up kids, cook most of the meals, oversee homework and extracurriculm activities, clean the house, listen to everyone’s problems, play nursemaid, seamstress, peacemaker, referee, delegate chores, make sure field trips are paid, finance lunch, contact teachers as needed, build up our husbands and still have time to get some sex-ercise! Whew. I’m wore out from typing the list. And that doesn’t even cover all the other miscellaneous things that women do. To compensate, some women convince themselves that they are Superwoman. I know I do it myself. But is this healthy?
Alicia Keys wrote a song about it:
“Even when I’m a mess, I still put on a vest with an S on my chest, oh yes, I’m a Superwoman.”
If you don’t have this CD, you should go get it now. Seriously!
Things I missed while being sick:
* Two book signings. Donna Grant & Virginia Deberry and Carl Weber were in town this week.
* My favorite team, the L.A. Lakers made a major trade.
* Three, count ’em, three days from work. Not that I’m complaining about this one.
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