Caught in Editing Hell


I know I haven’t blogged much about my writing lately. It’s not because I haven’t been writing. Nope. It’s because I am caught in editing hell.

I have a novel that took me two years to complete. Now it seems as if it will take me at least twice that long to edit the thing. Maybe I need some outside motivation to speed things along.

November is National Novel Writing Month. I have never participated but I like the concept. I know it is for creating new work but I figure I can use it to speed up my editing. I have to try something because at my current rate it will be another two years before I finish. I can’t afford to waste that much time.

Anyway, that’s my plan. I hope this works. No one wants to be stuck in hell.

Favorite Child – Do You Have One?

favorite things

Today my daughter’s,  Princess and Diva, had an argument over who was the favorite. 

Princess: “I’m the favorite. Mom knows she likes me the best. ”

Diva: “No she doesn’t.  I’m the favorite.”

Princess: “She’s known me longer.  I have to be the favorite.  It’s okay to admit it, Mom.”

Me: “I don’t have a favorite.  I love you both the same.”

They went back to eating cereal and all was well for the moment.  But I was left with a thought.  Do you have a favorite Child and is it okay to every admit it?

I think as a parent you love your children equally. You just like different things about them.

As for the favorite argument, I think I am the only winner. They only have one mom. I know that I am their favorite.

Planning a Murder at the Gym


If anyone has ever taken a Pilates class, you know that it is the quietest workout you can do.  The lights are dim, the music is soft and the movements are slow.  It was in class that I got the following opening line:

        “It was in Pilates class that Sheila realized what she had to do. She would have to kill him.”

I left class and the thought stayed with me.  Who is Sheila? What is her life like? Who is she thinking of killing and why?  I don’t know where this character came from.  I have a novel in progress and three short stories and none of them involve a Sheila. 

Soemtimes the best plot points or character flaws are revealed in the shower or during the afternoon commute.  Now I can add pilates class to that mix.  I go back to class tomorrow.  Maybe I will find out what else Sheila has been up to.

To my writer friends, have you ever been hit with inspiration while doing a mundane tasks?