What do you do when you think God isn’t watching?
Enslaved in Egypt, Miriam depended on God for deliverance and was freed from Pharaoh’s evil reign. Then her faith was tested. Instead of trusting in God, she led the Hebrews in an uprising against her brother, Moses, which was also a direct rebellion against the very God who broke her chains. Although she was one of the first female prophets in the Bible, betrayal in the wilderness is understandable when you’ve been lost for forty years.
What if God gave up on us when we made a mistake? No one is immune to making missteps when life provides so many distractions. God has a plan and purpose for your life and wants you to learn from challenges and obstacles so you will trust His process and gain the victory…
Miriam and I will share our stories of redemption as the ebbs and flows of life bring to mind that God doesn’t give up on us, and we shouldn’t give up on Him.
Amazon: https://bit.ly/DRV-Redeemed-Amazon
Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/DRV-Redeemed-BN
KOBO: https://bit.ly/DRV-Redeemed-KOBO
Apple: https://bit.ly/DRV-Redeemed-App
Series: https://bit.ly/GratefulHeartsSeries
Cover designer: J.L. Woodson @ Woodson Creative Studio
Publisher: Macro Publishing Group
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