Someone is sabotaging Dr. Lani Jamison’s career and their tactics are escalating. Are the attacks attempts to prevent Lani from working with The Castle to implement robotic surgery in the hospital? Or does her association with Jordan Spears have his clients seeking to take her out of the picture?
Jordan lives a complicated life from his family dynamics to his “interesting” career. When Lani tries to distance herself from him, he’s forced to temporarily accept it as he staves off the hostile demands of his brother who has racked up debt with the criminals who won’t take no for an answer.
Will Jordan be able to convince Lani that their relationship deserves a chance despite its origins? And will Lani survive an unknown enemy’s endeavor to put her six feet under?
USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Naleigha Kai and National Bestselling Author, Karen D. Bradley.
Cover designer: J.L. Woodson @ Woodson Creative Studio
Publisher: Macro Publishing Group
Genre: medical romance
SociaTap: Naleighna: https://bit.ly/NaleighnaKaiST