🇨🇼 🇨🇼 🇨🇼#CoverReveal 🇨🇼 🇨🇼 🇨🇼
Book Eight: Queen of Curaçao
Author: Solsiré Felida
Blurb: Waking up from a coma—without her memory intact—is not something Cassandra anticipated when she says her goodbyes to her best friend, promising to find her daughter, along with the other children who went missing since the arrival of an unknown criminal organization in Curaçao.
Pre-order links:
Amazon – https://bit.ly/QueenofCuracaoama
Kobo – https://bit.ly/QueenofCuracaokobo
Barnes & Noble – https://bit.ly/QueenofCuracaoBN
Cover designer: J.L. Woodson @ Woodson Creative Studio
Publisher: Macro Publishing Group
SociaTap: https://sociatap.com/SeFelida