Series Link -https://bit.ly/MerryHeartSeries
Book 1 Journey -Lisa Dodson
God is the Master of healing the broken-hearted. Take the journey with two Biblical women as they find hope when everything seems hopeless.
Amazon -https://bit.ly/JourneyonAmazon
Barnes and Noble – https://bit.ly/JourneyonBarnesandNoble
Kobo- bit.ly/JourneyonKobo
Apple – bit.ly/JourneyonAppleBooks
Book 2 Vision – J. L. Campbell
Have you ever wondered why we allow other people’s opinions to warp the view we have of ourselves?
What if you could refocus on who God created you to be instead of where you fall short?
How do you know beyond a doubt that you are on the path that feeds your passion and satisfies your soul?
Journey into the past, examine the present, and receive encouragement to pursue your dreams and step into your purpose with a new Vision.
Amazon – https://bit.ly/VisionAMZ
Kobo – https://bit.ly/VisionKBO
B&N – https://bit.ly/VisionBNO
Sociatap – https://sociatap.com/JL_Campbell/
Book 3 Purpose- Florenza Denise Lee
Shattered, weeping, unnamed— an outcast who gave so unselfishly that nearly two thousand years later, we are still sharing her story, but do we fully know the price of her sacrifice? Her story beautifully overlaps with the author’s personal testimony, poured out upon the pages to reignite a sense of wonder and praise. Reminding us that there is beauty in brokenness, God’s light will always shine through even the most minor cracks.
Purchase Links for Chosen: Life According to God’s Plan
Amazon: http://bit.ly/FDLPurpose
B&N: http://bit.ly/FDL_BN_Purpose
KOBO: http://bit.ly/FDL_KOBO_Purpose
Apple: https://bit.ly/FDL_APPLE_Purpose
Book 4 Growth – Janice M. Allen
The Bible says that the steps of a good man or woman are ordered by the Lord. But sometimes those steps take us down a road of pain, disappointment, misfortune, and trials that we would not have chosen for ourselves. It’s at these times that we can experience tremendous growth by allowing God to work all things (even unpleasant things) together for our good.
Amazon: https://bit.ly/Growth–AMAZON
Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/Growth–NOOK
Kobo: https://bit.ly/Growth–KOBO
Apple: https://bit.ly/Growth–APPLEBOOKS
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Book 5 Transition – Naleighna Kai
She made one mistake. Leaving him under the cover of darkness to escape the consequences of her actions would spiral into something so horrific that it cost the innocent lives of many. What she had done was enough to put her in an early grave, but what her husband did was downright diabolical. Time after time, the women and children paid the price, when men made decisions without consulting God first.
The Forgotten
The women in this story resonate with Naleighna Kai because she also suffered the pangs of her mistakes. Going from one place to another to find safety, landed her in the grip of someone who did not see her value; someone who tried to end the game before she realized it was being played.
The Forgiven and Highly Favored
Years of healing and working towards forgiveness brought a unique set of earth angels to help Naleighna in the process. She was finally able to put her pain on the page; the page became her passion, and the passion became her purpose.
Book 6 Choices – Pat G’Orge-Walker
Facts: You stood in the gap. Interceded on behalf of someone or something. What you prayed for was what you thought was needed. Accept that there is a difference between choosing to pray God’s Will and making a choice to pray yours.
Fiction: Abigail and Nabal’s marriage had all the necessary ingredients to fail or succeed. One spouse was self-serving, greedy, and unwise. The other was thoughtful and meticulous, despite being married to a “fool.” When Nabal, a man of means, offended King David with his stupidity, Abigail used wisdom to turn back catastrophe from her homeland and family.
Full Circle: Although not a lot is known about the couple, one thing was certain—Nabal was a fool and felt no reason to hide it. On the other hand, Abigail loved peace and used good sense to neutralize messy situations. In the end, Nabal died when God struck him, and Abigail eventually became one of King David’s wives and lived happily ever after…finally.
Book 7 Patience – Terri Ann Johnson
When God’s plan doesn’t seem clear, patience and perseverance will carry you to His promise. When it seemed like life was doing all it could to keep me from having the desires of my heart, I was convinced motherhood was a dream that wasn’t meant to be.
Patience is a journey that’s granted from God … and it was going to take almost a decade and a whole lot of faith and perseverance on my incredible path to becoming a mother.
website: www.terriannjohnson.com
sociatap: http://bit.ly/TAJSociaTap
IG TAGS (the @) – @authorterriannjohnson
twitter – @tajohnson419
Book 8 Persistence- U. M. Hiram
Have you dealt with the tremendous loss of a loved one?
Has the trust and kindness you’ve shown been taken for granted?
Did your life take an alternate path from where you originally planned?
Life’s journey can deal us a number of challenging moments both mentally and physically. Prayer is a powerful tool that can be used to provide the strength and wisdom needed to deal with as well as overcome these moments. Knowing there is a higher power at work on our behalf that we’re able to tap into, it can bring a sense of comfort and peace.
Amazon: https://bit.ly/PersistenceAMZN
Apple Books: https://bit.ly/PersistenceAPPBK
BN: https://bit.ly/PersistenceBN
Kobo: https://bit.ly/PersistenceKOBO
WEBSITE LINK: https://authorumhiram.com/
SOCIATAP LINK: authorumhiramsociatap
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Book 9 Transformation – Naleighna Kai
Tamar and Amnon. He saw. He came. He conquered. And he didn’t care that she would bear the brunt of his bad choices. As a King’s son, nothing would be denied him, even though this particular experience should. Passion for him, became pain for an innocent woman. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the worst of sins in this scandal. The man who was supposed to love and protect her did nothing, forcing her brother to take deadly action that plunged the kingdom into chaos.
Naleighna Kai was adopted by her biological mother. Yes, you read that right. What’s more, is the horrific circumstances surrounding her conception meant her mother was forced to do the best she could to place Naleighna in the arms of someone who would love Her. Life had other plans; and the trauma of those childhood years would result in the need to heal in a miraculous way.
To Blessed.
People come into your life for many reasons. In this respect, several amazing men brought life lessons that affected the healing Naleighna craved. Then there is the tribe—a group of dynamic women and men, writing angels who show her how blessed and highly favored she is on a daily basis. Transformation tells of her trials, but also the triumphs.