Let’s get to know each other better. Here are some fun facts about me:
(#1) My first car was a “hoopty” I named Bruno. It was a 1970 something, mud brown muscle car. There was no air conditioner, heat flowed from the floorboard, the windows would get stuck if you rolled them all the way down and the ceiling pilings fell on your shoulders like snowflakes. But I had a ride.
(#2) I was a member of the Navy ROTC in high school. I learned quickly that the military life wasn’t for me. I fainted from standing at attention for an hour.
(#3) I learned all the moves to Janet Jackson’s “What Have You Done for Me Lately” and “Pleasure Principle” videos. I spent hours watching the videos on repeat.
(#4) I lived my football dreams by playing in the Ludy Bowl at Columbia College. I was a wide receiver. Didn’t score a touchdown but I did pick up a first down.
(#5) I love playing NBA 2K on my cell phone. We bought an Xbox for the kids and I played it more than they did.
(#6) To get over my first heartbreak, I played “Careless Whisper” by George Michael on repeat. For an entire week. I made an entire cassette tape of that one song by recording it off the radio.
(#7) Favorite boy band: New Edition. We’re the same age and I just knew I would meet and marry Ronnie DeVoe one day.
Now it’s your turn. In the comments, share a fun fact about you.