Now that I’ve turned 50 years old, there are certain things I know for sure. The list stops at ten things because nobody has time to read a list of 50 things.

- You’re never too old to follow your dreams.
- Body parts can predict the weather.
- Go to therapy. Mental health is as important as physical health.
- Don’t start none, won’t be none.
- Take pictures. You can never have enough pictures of your loved ones.
- Buy in bulk. Warehouse stores are a blessing.
- Do the thing that scares you. Step out of your comfort zone.
- Travel outside of your city, state or country. The world is full of treasures and you need to experience a world view that is different than yours.
- I can no longer “squat” in public restrooms. I’m officially a “double liner”. My knees thank me.
- The series finale of Games of Thrones was trash!
So, tell me dear reader. What are some things you know for sure?