I’m writing my next book and the scene wasn’t working. It should be filled with tension and intrigue but it felt flat. Then it hit me. I applied “Plot Armor” to my POV (point of view) character.
Plot armor is defined as “plot devices that prevent important characters from dying or being seriously injured at dramatically inconvenient moments. It often demotes a situation in which it strains credibility to believe that the character would survive”.
Now, I’m not writing a thriller so no one miraculously survives a fiery crash or close range gun fight. My plot armor was applied in a more subtle way. I didn’t want my character to get her feelings hurt.
I know it’s crazy. In the scene, my character (Carmen) confesses an affair to her best friend, Gayle. And Gayle pulling punches. Not really telling Carmen how she feels. Totally unrealistic. These women have been friends for years. They lived together during and after college. Their relationship is built on mutual trust and a history of supporting each other through good and bad. Gayle would check her friend. Carmen would be upset but that’s not a bad thing.
I went back and revised the scene removing the armor. It worked. Now it reads better and conveys the tension that was missing.
Note to self: Shit has to get bad for your character! Make them uncomfortable and see what happens. It makes a better story.