I revised the cover after the virtual book tour was announced. Want to hear me talk about it? Visit any of these links below:
Nothing But Books http://pauletteharper.blogspot.com/
Reviews by Crystal http://reviewsbycacb.blogspot.com
Arlena’s Book Reviews http://arlenasbookreviews.blogspot.com
Perfect Chaos http://sdwperfectchaos.blogspot.com
Rainy Day Reviews https://bookjunkiemom.blogspot.com/
Keep Calm and Write On www.kristyfgillespie.com
Lynn’s Romance Enthusiasm http://lynnromanceenthusiast.blogspot.com
Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! https://mellojune.com
Maureen’s Musings http://musingsbymaureen.blogspot.com
Adrienne Thompson Writes http://authoradriennethompson.blogspot.com/
Room with Books https://roomwithbooks.com
Books for Book Lovers www.kimpayne.wordpress.com
Harper’s Court https://harperscourt77.blogspot.com/
Hope. Dreams. Life… Love http://www.elainepcantrell.blogspot.com
The bookworm lodge www.thebookwormlodge.com
Write Stuff www.thewritestuffradio.wordpress.com
Loves Great Reads https://lovesgreatreadsblog.wordpress.com
LBAS Book Blog http://www.lovebitesandsilk.co.uk
Sheena Binkley https://sheenabinkley.com/
J.L. Campbell www.joylcampbell.com
Beach Bound Books https://www.beachboundbooks.com/blogging-about-books
The Pen and the Needle https://thepenandtheneedle.blogspot.com
All Write RVA https://allwriterva.org
Hope, Dreams, Life, Love http://www.elainepcantrell.blogspot.com
I’m looking forward to connecting with you in these virtual streets!