I am writing this blog post from the spot pictured above. My very own writing room. Nice, right? I’m wondering why I didn’t think of this sooner.
I have a three bedroom house and I’ve written in every room trying to find a spot to call my own. I used the family computer room for a while until I got complaints about hogging the computer. I used the dining room table with my laptop but it’s an open space and the distractions were constant. I’ve written on the couch, in the bed and even the bathroom. None of them were ideal.
Then 4th of July weekend I had an epiphany. Why not use the FROG? The furnished room over the garage used to be the kid’s playroom. They are teenagers now and the toys have been replaced with some exercise equipment, a television and a futon. No one goes up there.
A quick trip was made to the local Wal-Mart to buy a desk and bookcase. An overnight assembly was required and the next morning I moved all my things upstairs. Yes! It is beautiful! Finally. A place to call my own.
What do you think? What does your writing space look like?