Every generation thinks the music of their youth is better than the what’s being played today. In my case, it is actually true. Let me present, Michael Jackson vs. Prince.
The 80’s gave us two of the greatest musical artist ever in their prime. Michael Jackson and Prince both released their classic albums in 1982 and 1984, respectively. Sure, they have both gone on to have several other hits but Michael’s “Thriller” and Prince’s “Purple Rain” set records and established both as music royalty.
Remember when there was a debate over who was better? I liked them both equally. Until I say the movie “Purple Rain”. When my teenage self heard Prince Rogers Nelson speak his first line I was down with Team Prince. I didn’t care if he wore heels and lace. The man was and is still sexy.
Favorite Prince song: Too many to name but at the top of the list would be “Adore”.
Favorite Michael song: Again, too many to name but at the top would be “Man in the Mirror.”
What’s your favorite Prince or Michael Jackson song?