School Shooting – A Parenting Moment


Everyone has heard about the school shooting in Chardon, Ohio.  Seventeen year old T. J. Lane opened fire in the school cafeteria shooting five students.  Three of those teenagers have died.

I am not here to get into a debate about gun control or bullying.  My heart weeps for every family affected by this event.  Especially those parents that have to do the unthinkable and bury their child.

No, this post asks a question.  How can you protect your children in an increasing evil world?

As a parent, it is terrifying to admit one simple fact.  We don’t have any control over what happens.

A good parent teaches their child how to behave.  We illustrate values and establish rules.  We correct with love.  We demonstrate how to treat other people.  A good parent tries to raise a responsible and considerate person.

Then we release our child into the world (a friend’s house, the movies, or school) and we trust them to make good decisions.  We trust them not to text and drive.  We trust them not to drink or try drugs.  We trust that they won’t pick up a gun to solve a problem.  Perhaps the greatest faith of all, we trust that they won’t get shot sitting in the cafeteria.

Here’s the parenting moment:  This is what I told my girls, “If you know someone has a gun in school, tell.  If you see or hear someone with a gun, run.”

I’ll have to continue to trust they will come home from school each day.  And pray.  I’ll be praying for your children too.

Any parenting advice to share?  Feel free.