The husband announced he was going on his monthly golf trip with the guys. I was so excited that I could have literally jumped for joy. I had to play it cool. “That’s good,” I replied. “You deserve a getaway.” I was being sincere. He works hard and should have free time to do something he enjoys. But I was also considering my own moment. I would have the bed to myself!
If you have lived with someone long enough you learn cohabitation requires compromise. Somethings you may like to do but if it infringes on your significant other, you reach a happy medium. An example: I would love to sleep in the middle of the bed and watch DVDs or read until I get sleepy. The husband insists on sharing the sleep space so I stay on my side of the bed and leave the DVDs and books to daylight hours. With his overnight trip pending, I had a list of things I could enjoy having the room all to myself.
And enjoy it I did. I took my shower early and lounged around in pajamas. I fed the kids and left them with the big television in the great room and retreated to my space. I had two DVDs where nothing blows up and there aren’t any car chases, a book on standby and popped popcorn. I climbed in the center of the bed surrounded by pillows and remotes. Heaven.
Yes, I appreciated my alone time. Love had nothing to do with it. I believe all couples should have little breaks away from each other. Not only is it good to just be yourself for a moment but it makes you appreciate your relationship. I was happy to see my husband when he returned. He is my best friend and I enjoy his company. Until the next time he is away.
What say you? What things do you like to do when the spouse/significant other is away?